GDPR Privacy & Cookie Policy

Welcome to the privacy policy page of Cannon Solar, your trusted source for cutting-edge solar panels and sustainable energy solutions. At Cannon Solar, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This privacy policy outlines the measures we take to protect your data and explains how we collect, use, and disclose information through our website.

Privacy Policy

This combined cookie statement and privacy policy sets out how Cannon Solar uses and protects any information that you give us when you use this website.

All information relates to events that occur on our website and not any third party websites which we may offer in the form of external links. Cannon Solar is not responsible for the Privacy Policy, Cookie Statement & General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) statements of third party entities or websites and it is recommended that you should assess these entities or websites before providing any personal information.

1.0 Privacy Policy & GDPR

Our privacy policy follows the legal guidelines of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into force on the 25th May 2018.

The regulation is a law on information and data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union and the United Kingdom. It also addresses the export of personal information and data outside the EU. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU and the United Kingdom. The GDPR replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive and the Data Protection Act 1998.

All Information collected and stored will be utilised within the operational requirements of our business operations.

1.1 Your Rights

GDPR offers specific rights in relation to information and how it is utilised. Our declaration on information we will collect is that it will be utilised in the normal course of business at our company to allow for the processing and fulfilment of your order or contract allowing us to deliver our project, products and services.

We will only collect basic personal information and data about you, such as your name, work address, email address and job title.

Your rights under GDPR are shown below:

  • You can request access to your personal information and data.
  • You can update amend your own personal information and data to keep it accurate.
  • You can have personal information and data deleted or erased.
  • You can object to the processing of personal information and data.
  • You can request that we stop processing your information and data.
  • You can request that your information and data be delivered to yourself or a third party.
  • You can object to profiling or automated decision making that could impact on you.
  • You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

1.2 Information & Data That We Collect

In order to offer our projects, products and services we will need to know a level of personal data that may be processed as part of your role in your employment at a company or as a private individual in your dealings with our company. This information may include basic personal data such as:

  • Your name.
  • Your work or home address.
  • Your email address.
  • Your telephone number.
  • Your place of work.
  • Your job title.
  • The nature of your enquiry.

This information will be utilised in the course of our business processes and to also allow for the fulfilment of processing your enquiry. We will also utilise this type of information to form any commercial contract between ourselves in line with our standard terms and conditions of trade. If we do not collect this type of data and information we may not be able to provide our projects, products and services that you will have requested. We will not collect any information that is not required to fulfil a project, product or service to you.

1.3 Information & Data Use

Personal information and data we hold about you will be processed as part of our fulfilment of your subscription, enquiry, project, product and service provision.

Email communications will be undertaken as part of our business process to ensure that your subscription, enquiry, project, product and service is delivered to fulfilment and within the warranties of our terms and conditions.

Marketing communications will only be undertaken on an “opted in” basis with the option for you to “opt out” at any time as stated by the requirements of GDPR. We may send communications and information to you about related services and activities at our company as part of your opted in request.

All information provided is done so willingly as part of our business operations. You will be on our website under your own will without enforcement and you can provide information to us as part of your enquiry without enforcement. Our dealings are one where you have complete choice to engage with us via our website and our enquiry systems.

1.4 Information & Data Sharing

As a business, we work in partnership with third parties to ensure the operational effectiveness of processes and our general status to fulfil our day to day functions. Third parties will include:

  • Our website hosting company(s).
  • Our email technology provider(s).
  • Our website analytics provider(s).
  • Our accountants company(s).
  • Our information technology support company(s).
  • Our website development and marketing company(s).
  • Our banking company(s).
  • Our logistics company(s).
  • Our agent(s), supplier(s) and contractor(s).

Your information will never be sold to third parties and we do not compile information and data for that purpose. Your information and data will not be provided to third parties that are not part of our business operations. We will process information on the basis of it being required to fulfil your enquiry or a contract with you.

All website visits occur under the secure encryption HTTPS protocol. All enquiry and order forms will be processed on the website within the HTTPS protocol.

We will only share information and data with third parties as part of our normal business operations as outlined below:

  • If requested by you.
  • To fulfil your subscription, enquiry, project, product or service.
  • To appear on documentation relating to your subscription, enquiry, project, product or service as part of our business process.

1.5 Information & Data Collection

Your visit to this website is done so on a voluntarily basis. All information and data collected on this website is done so on a voluntarily basis. All information and exchanges between you and our business is done so with consent. We will keep all information and data collected to a minimum and will not seek sensitive information through our website. Sensitive information is defined as being data relating to gender, occupation, location, ethnic origin, mental state, physical state, orientations including political, religious or other points of view. If you believe that your information and data is being utilised in a manner outside of our normal business operations you should contact us using the details found on this website.

1.6 Information & Data Retention

Our business aims to keep information for a period of six years unless you notify us that you no longer want your information stored with us.

1.7 Information & Data Security

Our website is provided within the secure encryption HTTPS protocol. All subsequent forms and interactive elements contained within our website operate within the secure HTTPS encryption protocol. Your information and date will be processed on receipt at our company using secure business processes. All internal parties involved with your information and data follow an agreed security policy. Authorised internal parties are provided with your information and data with confidentiality of this information being part of our process.

Other measures are in place to protect information and data security including access controls, password policies, encryptions, pseudonymisation, practices, access restrictions, firewalls, anti-virus, anti-malware, data breach and authentication protocols.

1.8 Cookies Usage

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. This website does not deploy any third party affiliate marketing cookies. More information on cookies can be found on All cookies deployed form part of the following:

  • Essential usage cookies to allow the website to function.
  • Non-essential cookies to allow us to track visitor numbers and related information such as popular webpage content.
  • We do not use any website cookies to track your activity in the generation of third party revenues or anything else that would be classed as intrusive to your activity on this website.
  • A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.
  • We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.
  • Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.
  • You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

1.9 Cookie Classifications By Intrusiveness Level

1.9.1 Intrusiveness Level: ZERO

Any cookies that have the sole purpose of making the website work. They will always be first party, and for the most part session cookies. They would usually be used solely to enable site navigation, like maintaining a persistent user session across pages. They are cookies that would fall under the 'strictly necessary' exemption for consent in the regulations.

This website uses cookies that are “Strictly Necessary” to make the website function.

Intrusiveness Level: LOW

These are cookies that are designed to enhance the core user experience on the site, or help with measuring site performance. Google Analytics cookies, fall into this category which is a technology that allows for the tracking of website visitor numbers and areas of the website that are utilised by visitors. This information is provided by software that is provided by Google. This category is always first party and may include both session and persistent cookies. These cookies have a longer life span than 30 days and can be cleared from your browser at any time.

This website uses Google Analytics cookies that are “Intrusively Low” to inform the website owners of traffic and visitor numbers and related information such as webpage content usage.

Intrusiveness Level: MEDIUM

These are cookies that might be used to store more personally identifiable information, or can be used for limited cross-site tracking. This category would also include first party cookies that track or control the user experience within a site, in a way that might not be obvious to the user or under their control. Especially if it is a persistent cookie that can do this across multiple visits. A cookie that enables a website to present content based on previous visits by that user, or based on personal information would be good examples. Cookies used by many types of social networking services, and set by sharing buttons, would fall into this category. This is because they are only able to track a user if they have previously signed in and agreed to their terms and conditions, so they don't affect all visitors. This would also include third party cookies that enable certain types of plug-ins and widgets to be added to a site to enhance user functionality, but are not identifying visitors or tracking behaviour across other domains, unless they have otherwise opted-in or signed up directly with that provider. Cookies used by many types of social networking services, and set by sharing buttons, would fall into this category. This is because they are only able to track a user if they have previously signed in and agreed to their terms and conditions, so they don't affect all visitors. The Twitter Follow button is a good example of this. It can set cookies used for tracking and user profiling, but only if that user has a Twitter account.

This website uses cookies that are “Intrusively Medium” to inform the visitor of previous pages viewed. This information is anonymous to the website owners and is a feature to allow easier navigation of the website. In addition any third party links to social networking services throughout our website (Facebook, Twitter Google+ & YouTube for example) only deploy third party cookies if you have already signed up to these services and are signed into these services.

Intrusiveness Level: HIGH

Any cookies that are mainly intended to track and record visitor interests, without any kind of prior consent, and to aggregate that data across sites for the benefit of third parties would fall into this category. This would include all types of cookies served by online advertising and also cookies set through the provision of embedded content that is not directly advertising related. Embedded YouTube videos, or Google Maps set and retrieve cookies which could be used to track users across sites, even if they are not used to then serve up adverts. The vast majority of third party cookies would fall into this category.

This website does not directly deploy cookies that are “Intrusively High” within its source code. We do not deploy any third party cookies that are sold or supplied directly to third parties. Any third party embed technology such as a YouTube video has been set to “enable privacy enhanced mode” which means that no intrusive cookies are deployed.

Changing Cookie Settings on Your Computer

You can set up your website browser to refuse cookies or to alert you to their presence and thereby allow you to remove them from your computer by clicking any of the links below:

1.10 Third Party Links

We may offer links to third party websites on our website that do not operate within our privacy policy. It is recommended that you review each third party website and related privacy policy before providing information and data.

External links to third party websites are maintained by third parties with whom we have no control over. We offer no guarantees in respect to accuracy, intent, information and data contained in third party websites.